New Storytimes and the Semi-Finals! *UPDATED*

**WRITER’S NOTE** BOY IS MY FACE RED. You may have noticed that the first version of this post incorrectly had The Hobbit as a semi-finalist – this is incorrect. The Golden Compass will be in the vote against Speak, and the poll has been updated to reflect that. Sorry about the confusion!

Our final matchups, generously provided by a random number generator, are…

The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman, vs. Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson

Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card vs. Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson

Guys, these books need no introduction at this point. WHO WILL COMPETE FOR THE NUMBER ONE CROWN?

In other news, I’ve put the finishing touches on my storytime plan for this up-coming session – as you’ll recall, my library uses the Mother Goose on the Loose format, which means about 80% of my material is the same from week to week. This is nice, in that I don’t need a whole new plan every week, but it means I feel a bit of pressure to make sure I pick stuff that I like and that the kids will connect with. (Although, if something really didn’t work the first couple of weeks, I don’t think anyone would get mad if I swapped out the duds.)

Here’s my plan (all links lead to my Story Rhymes wiki!):

Opening song: Hello, Hello
Second Opening Rhyme: Open Shut Them (always a favorite of mine)
Rhythm Game: Rum Pum Pum
Rhyme/song that changes every week
Bounce Rhyme: This is the way the Lady Rides
Animal Rhyme: Five Little Ducks (as a finger play, my library doesn’t have a duck puppet to use)
Stand-Up Action: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Scarf rhyme (this is the one I’m most nervous about changing, because you guys know how popular Wiggle Waggle got to be! We’ll see if I can get them into this new rhyme): Roley Poley
Closing Song: Our Hands Say Thank You

I’ll let you guys know how it goes!

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